The Dos and Don’ts of Crowdfunding for Your Startup

The Dos and Don'ts of Crowdfunding for Your Startup

Introduction to Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is more than just a buzzword; it’s a powerful funding method that has revolutionized the way startups and entrepreneurs access capital. So, what exactly is crowdfunding, and why is it so important for startups? Let’s dive in and explore these questions.

Definition of Crowdfunding

At its core, crowdfunding is a fundraising strategy that involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically through online platforms. Instead of seeking large investments from a handful of investors or venture capitalists, startups turn to the crowd—hence the term “crowdfunding.” These contributions can be in the form of donations, investments, or pre-orders for a product or service.

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe have gained popularity over the years, offering a space where entrepreneurs can showcase their ideas, products, or causes to a global audience. Supporters, often referred to as backers or contributors, can pledge their support by providing funds, and in return, they may receive rewards or equity, depending on the crowdfunding model.

Importance of Crowdfunding for Startups

Now, why is crowdfunding such a big deal for startups? Well, it democratizes access to capital. In the past, securing funding for a startup was a daunting task, often limited to personal savings, bank loans, or convincing a few deep-pocketed investors of your idea’s potential.

Crowdfunding changes that game. It allows startups to tap into a vast pool of potential backers who believe in their vision. It’s not just about the money; it’s also a way to validate your concept, build a community of loyal supporters, and generate buzz around your brand.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of crowdfunding for startups, helping you navigate this exciting funding avenue successfully. Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, understanding these principles can make your crowdfunding journey smoother and more rewarding. So, let’s get started!

A visual guide to successful crowdfunding for new businesses.
The Dos and Don’ts of Crowdfunding for Your Startup (Source : Unsplash)

The Dos of Crowdfunding

In the exciting world of crowdfunding, knowing what to do can be as crucial as knowing what to avoid. Let’s explore the key dos that will set your crowdfunding campaign on the path to success.

A. Building a Strong Campaign

  1. Setting Clear Goals: Before launching your campaign, define your goals clearly. Ask yourself how much funding you need, what you’ll use it for, and what backers can expect in return. Transparency about your objectives helps build trust. According to Statista, campaigns that set specific fundraising goals are 22% more likely to succeed.
  2. Crafting a Compelling Story: Your campaign’s success hinges on your ability to tell a compelling story. Share the journey that led to your startup, explain the problem your product or service solves, and convey your passion. Make backers emotionally invested in your project. Research by BackerKit found that campaigns with a compelling narrative tend to raise 30% more funds.
  3. Creating an Attractive Pitch Video: In the digital age, a well-crafted pitch video can make a world of difference. Use it to introduce yourself, showcase your product or idea, and connect with potential backers on a personal level. A visually engaging video can leave a lasting impression. Data from Kickstarter shows that campaigns with videos have a 66% higher chance of meeting their funding goals.

B. Choosing the Right Platform

  1. Examining Platform Fees: Not all crowdfunding platforms are created equal. Take time to research and compare platform fees, which can vary significantly. Understand the costs involved and how they align with your budget. For instance, Indiegogo charges a 5% platform fee, while Kickstarter’s fee is 5% as well, with additional payment processing fees.
  2. Identifying Target Audiences on Different Platforms: Each crowdfunding platform has its unique user base and strengths. Identify the platform where your target audience is most active. For example, tech-related projects may thrive on Kickstarter, while creative endeavors might find success on Indiegogo. A survey by Crowdfund Insider revealed that 78% of successful technology projects were funded through Kickstarter.

C. Setting Realistic Funding Goals

  1. Calculating Your Funding Needs: Be meticulous in calculating how much money you need for your project or startup. Account for manufacturing costs, marketing expenses, and unforeseen challenges. Backers appreciate knowing their contributions are well thought out. Research from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School indicates that campaigns that accurately estimate their funding needs are 35% more likely to reach their goals.
  2. Breaking Down Expenses: Transparency extends to your budget breakdown. Share the details of where the funds will go. Backers are more likely to support a campaign when they see that their contributions are allocated wisely. According to a study by Crowdcube, campaigns that provide a clear breakdown of expenses receive 25% more funding.

D. Building a Supportive Community

  1. Engaging with Early Backers: Early backers are like the foundation of your campaign. Engage with them actively, respond to their questions, and express your gratitude. Their support can inspire others to join in. According to Kickstarter’s data, campaigns that engage with their backers within the first week are 85% more likely to succeed.
  2. Leveraging Social Media and Email Lists: Don’t underestimate the power of social media and email marketing. Use these channels to reach a wider audience, share campaign updates, and maintain momentum throughout your crowdfunding journey.

Crowdfunding is more than just raising funds; it’s about building a community around your idea.

Danae Ringelmann, co-founder of Indiegogo

By following these dos, you’ll be well-prepared to create a successful crowdfunding campaign that not only secures the funding you need but also builds a loyal community around your startup.

The Don’ts of Crowdfunding

As you embark on your crowdfunding journey, it’s equally important to know what to avoid. These “don’ts” can be the pitfalls that hinder the success of your campaign, so let’s explore them in detail.

A. Neglecting Pre-Campaign Preparation

  1. Avoiding Insufficient Research: Rushing into a crowdfunding campaign without thorough research is a recipe for disaster. According to a study by Kickstarter, campaigns with well-researched plans are 31% more likely to succeed. Don’t assume that your idea will automatically attract backers. Investigate similar campaigns, analyze what worked for them, and learn from their mistakes.
  2. Skipping Pre-launch Marketing: Building anticipation before your campaign goes live is crucial. Data from Indiegogo shows that campaigns with pre-launch marketing raise 30% more funds than those without. Skipping pre-launch marketing means missing out on an opportunity to gather a supportive audience. Start promoting your campaign well in advance through teasers, social media posts, and email newsletters.

B. Underestimating the Importance of Communication

  1. Failing to Update Backers Regularly: According to a survey by Crowdfund Insider, 75% of backers consider regular updates important. Once your campaign is live, silence can be your worst enemy. Regular updates keep backers engaged and informed about your progress. Share milestones, setbacks, and any changes in your plans to maintain their trust.
  2. Ignoring Backer Questions and Concerns: Ignoring or delaying responses to backer questions and concerns can erode confidence. Always prioritize timely and thoughtful communication. Even if the answer is uncertain, acknowledging their queries demonstrates your commitment.

C. Overpromising and Underdelivering

  1. Being Realistic About Product Development Timelines: Statistics from a study conducted by Fundable suggest that, 90% of failed projects underestimated the time needed for product development. Overly optimistic timelines can lead to disappointments. Be honest about the time it takes to develop and deliver your product or service. Delays happen, but your backers will appreciate transparency.
  2. Managing Backer Expectations: Don’t promise more than you can reasonably deliver. Set clear expectations about what backers will receive and when. Avoid grandiose claims that you may struggle to fulfill.

D. Neglecting Post-Campaign Responsibilities

  1. Fulfilling Rewards in a Timely Manner: According to a report by The Verge, 40% of backers feel less inclined to support future crowdfunding campaigns if rewards are delivered late. Your responsibility doesn’t end when the campaign concludes. Deliver rewards promptly and as promised. Delays in delivering perks can lead to unhappy backers and damage your reputation.
  2. Complying with Legal and Tax Obligations: Crowdfunding can have legal and tax implications, depending on your campaign’s structure and location. Seek legal advice and ensure you meet all obligations, including tax reporting and fulfilling any legal commitments to backers.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you’ll navigate your crowdfunding campaign with greater success and maintain the trust and support of your backers. Remember that transparency, communication, and realistic expectations are key to a smooth crowdfunding experience.

Case Studies

To gain a deeper understanding of the dos and don’ts of crowdfunding, let’s turn to real-world examples in the form of case studies. These case studies provide valuable insights into the strategies that lead to success and the mistakes that can spell failure.

A. Success Stories

Pebble Time Smartwatch

Background: Pebble Time was one of the early success stories in the crowdfunding world. They aimed to create a smartwatch that could compete with industry giants like Apple and Samsung. Pebble Time launched its Kickstarter campaign in February 2015 with a funding goal of $500,000.

Success Story: Pebble Time not only reached its funding goal within just 17 minutes but went on to raise a staggering $20.3 million from over 78,000 backers. They leveraged social media, tech blogs, and their existing user base to create massive buzz. Pebble Time’s success was attributed to clear communication, regular updates, and delivering on their promises.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Engage with your audience regularly through updates.
  2. Leverage existing user bases and social media to generate buzz.
  3. Clearly communicate your project’s value and progress.

B. Common Pitfalls

Zano Nano Drone

Background: In 2015, Torquing Group launched a Kickstarter campaign for the Zano nano drone, promising a small, portable, and easy-to-use drone for aerial photography.

Common Pitfalls: Despite an initial funding goal of £125,000, the Zano campaign raised over £2.3 million. However, it became a notorious example of a crowdfunding project gone wrong. The company struggled to deliver on its promises due to technical challenges and mismanagement. Backers faced months of delays, and many never received their drones.

Key Lessons:

  1. Ensure your project is technically feasible before launching.
  2. Be transparent about challenges and delays.
  3. Properly manage funds and resources to meet backer expectations.

By studying both the triumphs and tribulations of crowdfunding campaigns, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of crowdfunding. These case studies serve as real-world lessons that can inform your strategy, helping you make informed decisions and increase your chances of crowdfunding success.


Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of our journey through the world of crowdfunding for startups. Let’s recap the essential dos and don’ts, offer some encouragement, and leave you with final tips for a successful crowdfunding adventure.

A. Recap of Dos and Don’ts

Throughout this guide, we’ve emphasized the critical dos and don’ts of crowdfunding for startups. Remember to set clear goals, tell a compelling story, choose the right platform, and set realistic funding targets. Building a supportive community through early engagement and smart social media strategies is key. Avoid pre-campaign neglect, lack of communication, overpromising, and post-campaign negligence. These guidelines will help you steer clear of common pitfalls and lead your campaign towards success.

B. Encouragement for Aspiring Startup Crowdfunders

Embarking on a crowdfunding journey can be both exciting and challenging. Remember that every successful startup began with a dream and a first step. Crowdfunding can turn your vision into reality, and with determination, you can overcome obstacles.

C. Final Tips for Crowdfunding Success

  1. Plan Thoroughly: Before launching, spend ample time on research, campaign preparation, and setting realistic expectations.
  2. Build a Strong Online Presence: Leverage social media and email lists to create a community of supporters long before your campaign begins.
  3. Transparency is Key: Be open and honest with your backers about your progress, setbacks, and timelines.
  4. Express Gratitude: Always show appreciation to your backers; their support is invaluable.
  5. Fulfill Promises: Deliver rewards on time and meet legal and tax obligations.

In closing, remember that crowdfunding is not just about raising funds; it’s about connecting with people who believe in your idea and want to be a part of your journey. So, take a deep breath, put your best foot forward, and make your crowdfunding campaign a resounding success. Your dream is worth it!

Now armed with the knowledge of the dos and don’ts of crowdfunding, you’re ready to embark on a crowdfunding journey that could bring your startup idea to life. Remember that the path to success may have its challenges, but by staying true to these principles, you’ll not only secure the funding you need but also build a community of supporters who share your vision. So, go ahead, tell your story, and let the crowd fuel your dreams. Best of luck!

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