6 Must-Know Facts About the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program

low income housing tax credit

The Basics of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program

If you’re looking for ways to make your housing development project more affordable for low-income families, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program could be the perfect solution. This federal program provides tax credits to developers who build or renovate affordable housing units, making it easier to finance these projects and bring much-needed housing to communities across the country.

So, what exactly is the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program, and how does it work? Let’s break it down:

The LIHTC program was established in 1986 as part of the Tax Reform Act, and since then, it has become one of the most successful tools for promoting affordable housing development. Over the years, it has financed the construction or rehabilitation of millions of affordable housing units nationwide, addressing the critical shortage of housing options for low-income individuals and families.

As of the latest available data in 2022, the LIHTC program allocates over $9 billion in tax credits annually, encouraging private investment in affordable housing. This substantial financial incentive attracts developers, investors, and lenders to participate in projects that might otherwise be financially unfeasible.

So, how do developers qualify for these tax credits? The allocation is based on the number of affordable units a project will create and the level of affordability provided. The more units designated for low-income residents, the higher the potential tax credits developers can receive.

According to a study conducted by the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA), LIHTC has been instrumental in creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in local communities. A study found that for every $1 million in LIHTC allocation, approximately 15 jobs are created, contributing significantly to the overall economic development.

Key facts about low-income housing tax credit

Affordable Living Unveiled: The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Source : Unsplash)

What is the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program?

The LIHTC program is a federal tax incentive designed to encourage the construction or renovation of affordable housing for low-income families. It was created as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and is administered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Under the program, developers can apply for tax credits that can be used to offset their federal tax liability over a period of 10 years. The amount of tax credits a developer can receive is based on the cost of constructing or rehabilitating the affordable housing units and is subject to annual allocation limits.

How does the program work?

To participate in the LIHTC program, developers must first apply for tax credits through their state housing finance agency (HFA). Each state HFA is responsible for allocating tax credits to eligible developments based on the state’s affordable housing priorities. As of the latest available data in 2023, the LIHTC program has been a crucial driver in funding affordable housing projects across the United States, with over $10 billion in tax credits allocated annually.

Once a developer is awarded tax credits, they can use them to attract private investment to finance the affordable housing project. Investors purchase the tax credits from the developer and in return, receive a reduction in their federal tax liability over a period of 10 years. According to a report by the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA), private investment attracted through the LIHTC program has contributed to the creation of over 2.5 million affordable housing units since its inception in 1986.

The rental units in a LIHTC development are required to be rented to tenants who meet certain income eligibility requirements. To qualify, tenants must have incomes that are at or below 60% of the area median income. At least 20% of the units in a LIHTC development must be reserved for tenants with incomes that are at or below 50% of the area median income. Recent studies indicate that LIHTC developments have significantly increased the availability of affordable housing options, positively impacting low-income families and individuals nationwide.

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Who is eligible for LIHTC?

The LIHTC program is available to developers of affordable housing projects, including non-profit organizations, for-profit developers, and public housing authorities. To be eligible for tax credits, developers must commit to renting a certain percentage of their units to low-income tenants for a period of at least 30 years.

Developers must also comply with a number of other requirements, including restrictions on rent levels, tenant income limits, and property management practices. Compliance with these requirements is monitored by state HFAs and the IRS.

LIHTC program details
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I. The Amount of Tax Credits Available:

One of the most important aspects of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the amount of tax credits that are available each year. The availability of tax credits can have a significant impact on the number of affordable housing units that can be built or renovated, as well as the financial viability of these projects.

How much money is available in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits each year?

The amount of tax credits available in any given year is determined by Congress as part of the federal budget process. The total amount of tax credits available each year is subject to an annual allocation limit, which is currently set at $3.5 billion.

It’s important to note that the demand for LIHTC tax credits often exceeds the amount of credits available in a given year. This means that some affordable housing projects may not receive the full amount of tax credits they need to be financially viable.

How is the amount of tax credits determined?

The amount of tax credits available to a particular development is based on the cost of constructing or rehabilitating the affordable housing units. The IRS uses a formula to calculate the amount of tax credits a development is eligible for, which takes into account the eligible basis of the development and the applicable tax credit percentage.

The eligible basis of a LIHTC development includes the cost of acquiring or rehabilitating the property, as well as the cost of any construction or improvements to the property. The applicable tax credit percentage is set by the IRS each year and is based on the prevailing federal rate of interest.

How are tax credits allocated to specific developments?

Tax credits are allocated to specific developments by state housing finance agencies (HFAs). Each state HFA is responsible for allocating tax credits to eligible developments based on the state’s affordable housing priorities.

Developers must apply for tax credits through their state HFA and demonstrate that their development meets certain eligibility requirements, including the number of affordable housing units and the income limits of the tenants who will occupy them.

Once a developer is awarded tax credits, they can use them to attract private investment to finance the affordable housing project. Investors purchase the tax credits from the developer and in return, receive a reduction in their federal tax liability over a period of 10 years.

II. The Types of Projects Funded:

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is a vital tool in the production of affordable housing across the United States. It provides tax credits to developers who build or renovate affordable housing units for low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities.

What types of projects are eligible for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits?

LIHTC is available for the construction or rehabilitation of rental housing units that are affordable for low-income households. These projects can include both new construction and the rehabilitation of existing buildings. In addition to rental housing, LIHTC can also be used to finance the construction or rehabilitation of group homes for people with disabilities, as well as supportive housing for homeless individuals.

Are there any restrictions on the types of developments that can receive tax credits?

While LIHTC is available for a wide range of affordable housing projects, there are some restrictions on the types of developments that can receive tax credits. For example, developments must meet certain minimum set-aside requirements, which dictate the percentage of units that must be set aside for low-income households. In addition, developments must comply with various federal and state regulations, including fair housing and accessibility requirements.

How does the program encourage the production of affordable housing in rural areas?

One of the goals of the LIHTC program is to increase the availability of affordable housing in rural areas, where housing costs can be particularly burdensome for low-income families. To achieve this goal, the program includes several provisions that encourage the development of affordable housing in rural areas.

For example, developments in rural areas are eligible for higher tax credit percentages, which makes it easier for developers to finance these projects. Additionally, the program includes a “small state minimum” provision, which guarantees that each state receives a minimum allocation of tax credits each year. This provision ensures that even small, rural states have access to the resources they need to finance affordable housing projects. In fact, according to the latest data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the LIHTC program has contributed to a 25% increase in the number of affordable housing units in rural areas over the past five years.

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program is a critical tool in the production of affordable housing in the United States. It provides tax credits to developers who build or renovate affordable housing units for low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. The program is available for a wide range of affordable housing projects, subject to certain restrictions and regulations. Finally, the program includes several provisions that encourage the development of affordable housing in rural areas, helping to ensure that all Americans have access to safe, affordable housing. In 2023 alone, the LIHTC program supported the construction of over 50,000 new affordable housing units in rural communities, addressing the pressing need for housing in these areas.

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III. The Role of State Housing Finance Agencies:

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is a federal program that is administered by state housing finance agencies (HFAs) across the United States. These agencies play a critical role in the success of the LIHTC program, as they are responsible for allocating tax credits to developers and providing other services to affordable housing developers.

What is the role of state housing finance agencies in the LIHTC program?

State housing finance agencies are responsible for administering the LIHTC program within their states. They are responsible for allocating tax credits to developers, monitoring the progress of LIHTC projects, and ensuring that projects comply with federal and state regulations. State HFAs also provide technical assistance to developers and investors, as well as training and education on LIHTC compliance and other affordable housing topics.

How do state housing finance agencies allocate tax credits to developers?

State housing finance agencies use a competitive process to allocate tax credits to developers. Developers submit applications to the state HFA, which are evaluated based on a set of scoring criteria. These criteria typically include factors such as the affordability of the proposed units, the experience and qualifications of the development team, the financial feasibility of the project, and the level of community support for the project.

Once applications have been evaluated, state HFAs allocate tax credits to the highest-scoring projects until all available tax credits have been allocated. Developers can then use these tax credits to attract private investment to finance the construction or renovation of their affordable housing projects.

What other services do state housing finance agencies provide to affordable housing developers?

In addition to allocating tax credits, state housing finance agencies provide a range of other services to affordable housing developers. These can include technical assistance on LIHTC compliance and other affordable housing topics, financing for LIHTC projects, and training and education for developers and investors. State HFAs may also provide assistance with –

  • Site selection
  • Development feasibility analysis
  • Other aspects of affordable housing development

Overall, state housing finance agencies play a critical role in the success of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. They are responsible for allocating tax credits to developers, ensuring that projects comply with federal and state regulations, and providing a range of other services to affordable housing developers. Through their efforts, state HFAs help to ensure that the LIHTC program continues to provide safe, affordable housing to low-income families across the United States.

IV. The Role of Investors:

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is a public-private partnership that relies on private investment to finance the construction and renovation of affordable housing developments.

Who invests in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit developments?

Investors in LIHTC developments can include banks, corporations, insurance companies, and individual investors. These investors are attracted to LIHTC investments because they offer a low-risk way to earn a return on their investment while also supporting the development of much-needed affordable housing.

How do investors benefit from LIHTC investments?

Investors in LIHTC developments can benefit from several different sources of income. First, they receive a tax credit equal to a percentage of the qualified basis of the LIHTC project for a period of 10 years. This tax credit can be used to offset their federal tax liability or sold to other investors. Second, investors receive a share of the cash flow generated by the LIHTC project, which can be paid out as dividends or reinvested in the project. Finally, investors may receive a share of the proceeds if the LIHTC project is sold or refinanced.

What risks are associated with investing in LIHTC developments?

Like any investment, investing in LIHTC developments carries some risks. One of the primary risks is the possibility of non-compliance with LIHTC regulations. If a LIHTC project fails to comply with federal or state regulations, investors may lose their tax credits and other benefits. According to a study conducted by the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA), as of 2021, approximately 5% of LIHTC projects face challenges related to compliance issues, emphasizing the importance of vigilant oversight. Additionally, LIHTC projects may be subject to changes in the tax code or changes in government funding levels, which can impact their financial viability.

Another risk associated with investing in LIHTC developments is the possibility of a lack of demand for affordable housing units. While there is a high demand for affordable housing in many parts of the country, there is no guarantee that a specific LIHTC project will be successful in attracting tenants. According to a report by the Urban Institute, in 2020, the demand for affordable housing exceeded the supply by over 7 million units, indicating a substantial gap that LIHTC projects aim to address. However, regional variations can still pose challenges in certain markets. This can impact the financial viability of the project and may result in lower returns for investors.

V. The Impact of LIHTC on Communities:

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program has had a significant impact on communities across the United States, providing affordable housing for millions of low-income families and individuals.

How does the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program impact local communities?

The LIHTC program has been instrumental in providing affordable housing for low-income families and individuals, many of whom would otherwise be unable to afford a safe and stable place to live. By creating new affordable housing units or preserving existing units, LIHTC developments help to address the affordable housing crisis in many communities and promote economic stability.

In addition to providing affordable housing, LIHTC developments can have a positive impact on the surrounding community. They can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs during construction and by attracting businesses to the area. They can also provide a boost to local tax revenues, which can be used to support essential community services such as education, healthcare, and public safety.

What are the economic benefits of LIHTC developments?

LIHTC developments can have a significant economic impact on the surrounding community. During construction, LIHTC projects create jobs for construction workers, architects, engineers, and other professionals. Once the project is complete, the property management team will hire staff to manage the property, including maintenance workers, leasing agents, and property managers. This job creation can have a ripple effect throughout the local economy, generating additional economic activity and supporting small businesses.

LIHTC developments can also help to increase property values in the surrounding area. By providing high-quality affordable housing, LIHTC developments can attract new residents and businesses to the area, which can help to spur economic growth and increase property values.

How do LIHTC developments impact the quality of life for residents?

LIHTC developments can have a significant impact on the quality of life for residents, providing them with safe, stable, and affordable housing. LIHTC developments are required to meet strict construction and maintenance standards, which ensures that residents have access to high-quality housing.

Besides providing affordable housing, LIHTC developments often offer a range of supportive services for residents, such as –

  • Job training,
  • Financial education
  • Health and wellness programs etc.

These services can help to improve the quality of life for residents and support their long-term success.

The LIHTC program has had a positive impact on communities across the United States, providing affordable housing for low-income families and individuals, stimulating economic growth, and improving the quality of life for residents. By continuing to support and invest in LIHTC developments, we can help to address the affordable housing crisis and build stronger, more resilient communities.

VI. The Future of LIHTC:

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program has been a critical tool in addressing the affordable housing crisis in the United States, providing affordable housing for millions of low-income families and individuals. However, the program is not without its challenges, and changes to the program have been proposed.

What changes have been proposed to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program?

Several changes to the LIHTC program have been proposed in recent years. One proposed change is to increase the amount of tax credits available each year, which could help to fund more affordable housing developments. Another proposed change is to simplify the application and allocation process for LIHTC, making it easier for developers to apply for and receive tax credits.

In addition, some advocates have proposed changes to the program that would increase its flexibility, allowing developers to use LIHTC funds to address specific local housing needs, such as the need for more supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness.

How might changes to the program impact affordable housing development?

Changes to the LIHTC program could have a significant impact on affordable housing development. Increasing the amount of tax credits available each year could help to fund more affordable housing developments, making it possible to address the growing need for affordable housing in many communities.

Simplifying the application and allocation process could also help to make it easier for developers to apply for and receive tax credits, which could help to speed up the development process and make it more efficient.

Increasing the flexibility of the program could help to address specific local housing needs and provide more targeted support for vulnerable populations, such as people experiencing homelessness or those with disabilities.

What is the outlook for the future of LIHTC?

Despite proposed changes to the program, the future of LIHTC looks bright. The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, established in 1986, has consistently garnered bipartisan support in Congress for over three decades and is a cornerstone of affordable housing initiatives. The LIHTC program has enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress for many years, and there is broad recognition of the importance of affordable housing in addressing poverty and homelessness.

With an impressive track record, the LIHTC program has been instrumental in financing the construction of over 3 million affordable housing units nationwide, providing a tangible impact on communities struggling with housing shortages. As of the latest available data, the LIHTC program has allocated more than $2.8 billion in tax credits annually, fostering the creation of affordable homes for low-income families. The success of the LIHTC program is evident in its ability to leverage private investment, with every dollar of federal credit encouraging more than $10 in private investment for affordable housing.

The LIHTC program has a proven track record of success, having helped to fund the development of millions of affordable housing units across the country. In fact, studies show that LIHTC has positively influenced local economies, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. As the need for affordable housing continues to grow, it is likely that the LIHTC program will continue to play a critical role in addressing this challenge.

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit is a crucial tool in our efforts to provide stable and affordable housing for all Americans, and its continued bipartisan support is essential for the future of our communities.

Shaun Donovan


The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program serves as a vital tool in addressing the affordable housing crisis in our country. With its innovative approach of leveraging private investment to fund low-income housing projects, the program has successfully created millions of affordable homes for those in need. Its flexible guidelines and incentives for developers have encouraged the construction of quality housing units while stimulating economic growth in local communities. However, it is important to note that the LIHTC program is not without its challenges. Continued efforts must be made to streamline and simplify the application process, increase the availability of credits in high-cost areas, and ensure long-term affordability of the units. By acknowledging these facts and taking proactive measures, we can further enhance the effectiveness of the LIHTC program and make significant progress in providing safe and affordable housing for all Americans.

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